tak jawab dosa!
hokey semua orang mau jadi kurus... kalau gugel mcm2 jenis workout/diet yang recommended. tapi yang paling penting if betol2 nak kurus, is motivation. hohohho... which is the thing that is lacking now. kuangkuangkuang~ =P
kalau setakat baca about any diet program or workout program, not even 0.001 lbs akan turun. you have to work it out. learn to measure "what you eat" (calories intake). tapi bukan setakat reti kira jer... kene la jugak reti limit your calories intake.. kalau setakat tau your daily intake should be not more than 1200kcal tapi pergi belasah 2400kcal.. what's the point kan2.
sangat susah nak maintain motivation tu.. cam aku la. susah sangat nak minum air. taktau nape... huhu... air manis2 tak minat sgt. plain water pon cam rasa melekat kat tekak. tapi kalau air spritzer ke (mineral water) okey sket.. sbb ade taste of mineral kot. and green/black tea pon ok... tapi tu la masalahnya. lack of motivation. and tak istiqamah. ehehe... yabai2. need more motivation. dou shiyo!
semalam pergi massage sbb sakit leher silap urat time tido. *erk*
masa urut tu akak yang urut tu cakap my badan too stiff. maybe tu jgk sbb susah nak kurus. *ooooo*
hahaha.. entah. make sense. atau it was just her marketing strategy to make me come back to her?? tapi tak kesah la. mmg sedap pon urut2 ni. hehehe.. geli sebenarnya tapi rasa lega lepas tu...
lepas ni plan to go for massage at least once a month. buang angin2 and picit2 lemak2 degil ni. mne tau, boleh pecah lemak2 degil tu. nak workout 2 3 menjak ni de-motivated sbb my hand hurts. taktau pasai pa. macam ade tulang yang dislocated. nak gi x-ray, tapi taktau nak cakap apa kat doc. "doc, sy rasa tulang sy lari laaa.. sy nak x-ray bulih dak?" haha... malu plak cakap camtuh..
Btw, take a look at this.
Btw, take a look at this.