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Thursday 10 January 2013

#89 Revolution in Shopping


Alhamdulillah we make it to 2013!! dalam these few weeks many occasions happened... enjoying my new year holidays kat kl.. pergi Twins of Faith 2012, jumpa friends... shopping... bla.. bla... bla.... ~  anyway, enjoy these vid first.

QThru : Mobile shopping application with self-checkout, couponing, product information, and store location."

So basically QThru ni adalah sistem di mana you just need to have your credit card ready, and you can go shopping, enjoy scanning those barcodes, and lastly, check-out. nampak senang dan menarik kan2? hehe... tapi baca kat komen dalam youtube tuh, what if, everyone is using this system? nanti nak bayar, still, kene q jugak. hehe.. make sense. by that time, sapa yang bayar cash is the "genius" one. btw, check kat website dia.. this system seems like dah implement kat somewhere in US(?) . Tapi yela, once people started to use and trust this kind of system, they should make improvement kan.. so maybe they have other method like auto check-out ke without lining.. entah. anything is possible.

HOINTER : similar system, select, scan, and buy.
First thing yang aku pikir masa tengok this vid, hurm, agak2 mirror tu 2 sided mirror tak??? ahahaha.. kan ade certain mirror, yang nampak macam cermin biasa, tapi sebenarnya the other side can see through the mirror like normal window kan? like, what if a girl want to try the pants?? check website dia, rupanya this shop is only for men... hokey. relief. ahahaha..
how does it works?
dapatkan seluar yang anda minat, pilih saiz, go to fitting room yang dia suruh masuk, check either you like it or not, if you like it, pay. if not, return it. easy! cuma wondering what kind of security system are they using.. macam, tak kene curi ker??? kan2? btw, cara dia organize kedai tu weird. hehe.. personally aku nampak macam serabut sangkut seluar macam tuh. tak ke?? haha.. maybe utk senang scan.. tak kasi orang take down those pants.

rasanya sebelum ni pon ada orang dok cerita pasal kat South Korea pon da ade diorg guna system shopping with your smartphones ni.. like this vid.

bijak kan?? huhu... you don't have to bring you cash. tak risau sangat orang nak pow ke ape kan.. hehe... just bawak ic, lesen mmandu, cc and most important, nyawa your smartphone. cuma bimbang, sometimes kalau tak guna cash ni, ade possibility ter-over spent. bila tak nampak cash tu flowing out, mmg la kita rasa kaya sokmo. hehe.. so kalau dah ada smartphone tu, pandai2 la download apps utk financial management hokey, contohnya CWMoney.  Here's the link. don't worry, you can change the language setting after downloading. mmg sangat2 recommend. it really helps me to manage my money (yang tak berapa nak ada tu. haha). at least we always alert, how much we actually have. jangan hujung bulan je, makan habuk kayu.

So balik semula kepada cerita 2013. hehehe.. aku harap2 sangat 2013, there will be something really BIG will happen to me. bukan pasal personal life saja, tapi juga pasal career, financial, blablabla.. sekarang pon da slowly start balik job hunting. haha.. yes, job hunting!! rasa nak tukar kerja hokey! Nak kerja yang lebih memuaskan hati. sekarang kerja memuaskan perut jer. dang, my tummy looks like 5 months pregnant mommy!

kalau boleh aku nak kerja yang team tak bape ramai sgt org... or tak berapa ramai sgt perempuan.. choy, gatal giler kau nih, nak kerja ngn laki-laki jer???!!!! ahahaha... okla, ni bukan pasal gatal birah nak menggatal. hahaha.. cam kerja sekarang la, i'm the only lady (lady kau!) in my team. walaupon sometimes sedih sbb rasa tak guna, tapi aku suka sbb aku tak perlu bersosial sgt. ahaha.. gila anti-sosial rupanya.

takde la anti-sosial sgt pon.. i still have my girl friends... sbb apa yang aku perasan, kalau ramai perempuan in one team.. they tend to stick together all the time (bagus la kot).. gi makan.. gi semayang... mana2 la. and most of the time, the are gossiping. yer. GOSSIP! tak kesah la pasal orang dalam ofis ker, luas ofis ker.. tak puas masa makan, masa kat surau pon sambung lagi gosip. kat opis pon boleh sambung! huhu..

contohnya tadi. aku nak solat. as I am the client here, our office ni dekat special block for clients. they provide surau jgk. kecik je la kan. sbb for this small block. and kalau ikut common sense, it should be surau for clients kan? ok la, it sounds poyo la kau ni client! hehe.. takde la, itu yang kalau ikut logik. sebab they have their own big surau out there. which is sepatutnya for pekerja la kan?

but then ramai staffs of next block semayang kat sini. takde masalah pon sebenarnya. apehal kau nak halang orang semayang plak kan?? hehe.. the thing is, ade a few people yang tak paham bahasa sket. dah la tempat tu kecik, ni kau nak tidur la berborak la time orang nak guna tempat tu nak solat.

mcm tadi. aku masuk that praying room, ade 2 orang ni dok berborak. overheard their conversation, tengah cite pasal their department la. i knew one of the girl is new. aku nak lalu pon dia sket pon tak cuba untuk kasi laluan. dang. time tu aku da sakit hati. lepas aku siap solat, diorg tak siap lagi borak. the new girl is tepek2 bedak kat muka. aku nak pakai tudung tu, diorang pon br bgn, ingt nak kuar dah. lepas aku siap2 lilit2 tudung, naik opis, turun balik nak amik henpon tertinggal.. eyh, ada lagi tengah borak! dang! ahahaha.. yes, aku mengumpat diorang sekarang. ahahahaha..

ok. habes sesi mengumpat. dang! sbb tu aku tak suka dok dalam team ramai pompuan. kalau laki, diorang gosip gak. tapi tak layan kot gossip ngn pompuan. hehe.. so kalau aku sorang pompuan, kureng sket gossip. hidup pon tenteram.

lupa nak credit :


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